2020 Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette and Hunter Pistol Silhouette
Matches at Haltom City Rifle and Pistol Club
Haltom City Rifle & Pistol Club, 2100 Minnis Drive, Haltom City, Texas 76117-0291.
Range Telephone: 817-834-8498
2nd Saturday of most months: January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13, August 8, September 12, October 10, 2020
Matches will run concurrently in Cowboy Lever Action and Hunter Pistol disciplines.
The range will be accessible at 8:00 a.m. for setup and practice.
Smallbore Cowboy Rifle and Smallbore Hunter Pistol matches will begin about 9:00 a.m.
Lunch Break
Pistol Cartridge Cowboy Lever Action and Hunter Pistol matches will follow lunch break. The intention is for the range to be cleared by 2 p.m.
Current NRA Silhouette Rules will apply.
Appropriate NRA Rifle Classification Systems will be utilized in these matches. There will be a separate class for unclassified competitors provided there are three or more unclassified shooters present; otherwise, unclassified competitors will compete in the highest available class. These matches are open to all.
Entry fee will be $6.00 per person, per gun.
Targets will be available for non-competitors in a Fun Match Category using approved calibers.
The entry fee will be $6.00 per person, per gun.
The course of fire will consist of ten or fifteen shots at chickens (40 meters), pigs (50 meters), turkeys (75 meters) and rams (100 meters), for a total of forty or sixty shots. Shots will be in five-shot strings with a time limit of two minutes per string preceded by a thirty-second ready period. Any competitor knocking down ten/fifteen straight animals will be allowed to fire at the conclusion of the match for national long-run records.
Awards will be given to the high overall winner of the match and to the winners of each NRA classification provided there are at least three competitors in a class. Any class with less than three entries will shoot in the next higher class. Approximately half of the entry fees will be returned to the shooters.
In-A-Row pins will be awarded.
For further information contact:
Jerry Boydstun, HCRPC Silhouette Match Director
Phone: 817-738-7292 Cell: 817-980-1624
Email: j260boydstun@sbcglobal.net
September 2020 Silhouette
HCRPC September 2020 Silhouette Report
One more year in the books. Now for hunting season and the State matches, Texas in Austin supersedes our match in October, Louisiana in Lafayette in December. We will start back in January, pending Board approval, the same format as this abbreviated year.
Had five spectators to see what was going on, or forgot to check the range schedule; better than watching golf, but better to bring gun and play.
Smallbore Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette Rifle
Thirteen shooters came to enjoy a bright fall day, got 60 shoots in for the first time in a couple of hot months.
High Overall Larry Weir 54 x 60, and without a spotter to boot
1st Master Mark Sternglanz 53
2nd Master Charlie McClure 50 highest personal score this year
1st AAA Roy Shepard 49
2nd AAA Thomas Johnson 41
Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette Rifle
Ten stuck around for the second match, still a nice day to shoot
High Overall Jerry Boydstun 53
1st Master Mark Sternglanz 52 by a point, again
1st AAA Roy Shepard 47 (12 turkeys)
2nd AAA Thomas Johnson 47 (11 turkeys)
August Silhouette
ONLY 78 degrees to start, not even 100 at the finish, plus the humidity was only 37%.
A fine August day for shooting, with 11 riflemen agreeing, scores close enough that lots of tie breakers had to be used.
Smallbore Cowboy Silhouette Rifle
Any tubular fed, iron sight, .22LR in any non-bolt action may complete.
also offer a Fun class for any other .22 you show up with, rifle or pistol, scoped or not.
High Overall Jerry Boydstun 35x40 (9 turkey, 8 rams)
1st Master Larry Weir 35 (9 turkey, 7 rams)
2nd Master Preston Gibson 33 (8 turkey, 8 rams)
Not 2nd Master Kimbal Markwardt 33 (8 turkey, 7 rams)
1st AAA/AA Thomas Johnson 30
2nd AAA/AA Vern Eaton 29
Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette Rifle
Quick change to heavier ram targets and a half a bubble more lean to the rest of the targets.
Just so it takes more than a .22LR to (reliably) knock them over.
Charlie McClure who tried it, hit 31, scored 21.
High Overall Jerry Boydstun 36x40
1st Master Larry Weir 33 (where’s that scorecard?)
2nd Master Preston Gibson 31
1st AAA/AA Steve Arseneaux 31
2nd AAA/AA Thomas Johnson 29 (7 turkey)
Not 2nd AAA/AA Vern Eaton 29 (6 turkey)
Threat of rain must have kept the numbers low, State Lever Action Championship is coming up early next month.
No rain until the afternoon match, humid then wind change had shooter putting on coats.
Clanging down metal is a lot more fun than punching holes in paper!
Smallbore Cowboy Silhouette Rifle
Twelve tried it, two new shooters, fun had by all. 15th shot in shoot-off before a winner was declared.
High Overall Jerry Boydstun 55 x 60
1st Master Preston Gibson 55
1st AAA Steve Arseneaux 47
2nd AAA Cam Potter 46
Unclassified Autry Hodges 38 Classified to AA
Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette
8 shooters remained after lunch, misty rain made it tough on the spotters as no re-painting the targets after the start.
High Overall Mark Sternglanz 56 x 60
1st AAA Vern Eaton 47
Unclassified Autry Hodges 38 Classified to AA
February Silhouette
A cool but bright day, started out about 38, warmed up to the low 60’s- just the brutal teeth of Texas winter!
Smallbore Cowboy Silhouette Rifle
9 competitors to start, broken firing pin took out one, wrong rifle outta the safe took out another, until a borrowed Marlin got him back in (tying for a second place)
High Overall Preston Gibson 54 x 60
1st Master Mark Sternglanz 52
Loser of Shoot Off Jerry Boydstun 52
1st AAA Chris Webster 46
Loser of Shoot Off Steven Arceneaux 46
Lunch- back to the way it was a few years back, some brought their lunch, others went out, nice break to the action
Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette Rifle
All nine back in action plus a HCRPC member who stopped by without reading the calendar who joined in (first time shoots free, and he WON!)
High Overall Mark Sternglanz 56 x 60
1st Master Jerry Boydstun 54
1st AAA Thomas Johnson 45
1st Loser in Shoot Off Charlie McClure 45
2nd Loser in ShootOff Steve Arceneaux 45
Fun Match (all shooting .22LR)
High Overall Brad Tate 36 x 60
2nd Chris Webster 31
3rd Roy Shepherd 26